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The sacraments are rooted in the life of Christ and the tradition of the early Church. They make Christ’s presence real in the world in a very particular way at a particular time. While they are gifts from God, they need a response from those who receive them. People can easily get caught up in the social aspect that surrounds the celebration of some sacraments. For this reason, our parish puts great emphasis on preparation for the sacraments


Baptism is administered on Sundays at 12.30pm following the 11.00am Mass and are by appointment only. Registration forms, and forms to be completed by Godparents, may be collected in the sacristy after Mass and preparation meetings are arranged as the need arises.

First Communion

In the words of the Second Vatican Council, the Eucharist is the "source and summit of the Christian Life" First Communion is celebrated with children who are in Year 4 and who have successfully completed their preparation with the help of priest, teachers, catechists and parents. First Reconciliation (Confession) is celebrated in Year 3. An integral part of the preparation includes the child accompanying the parent/carer in the queue for Communion each Sunday to receive a blessing and thereby grow familiar with the sacrament and all that surrounds it. This begins in September and First Communion Day is in May


Confirmation completes and strengthens the grace given at Baptism. It marks the Christian as a follower of Christ and a full member of the Church. The parish offers a comprehensive preparation programme which for this year is for Year 7 and Year 8 children who request this sacrament. The Sacrament of Confirmation age is now in the process of change and the new programme will be as follows: Year 3: 1st Confession (Reconciliation) in Lent Year 4: 1st Holy Communion in Eastertime Year 5: Preparation for Confirmation during the whoile year Year 6: Confirmation in November


The sacrament of Matrimony celebrates a couple's commitment to share their entire life together and to show the love of God to each other, to their children and to others through their relationship. Preparation is arranged within the parish. Please speak to Fr John at least 6 months ahead of planned dates, and preferably a year beforehand.